Get the right rain gear

Get the right rain gear

We all do remember the rhymes, “Rain Rain Go Away, Come again another day” this nursery rhyme still exists as you insist your child to stay back at home by not allowing them to play at the time of rainfall.

Rain is a word which brings happiness by relaxing our mind & heart and lets us get in touch with nature. As the rainy season is about to begin, it is very essential that we keep in mind the diseases it entails along with it such as viral infections like cold, fever, cough etc.

Umbrella — It is very much required for children to carry their own umbrella to school, which helps to protect themselves.

Hooded rain jacket — A jacket with hood will definitely keep their head much protected than the normal caps or hats.

 Children usually love to get wet in rain and enjoy themselves. If you truly care your kids do not deny them. Instead, take some precautions.

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